My friend’s beagle mix, James, is the sweetest dog in the world. He loves food – any kind, so he will stare at you while your eating – no matter how long it takes, until he gets a morsel.
James – the very patient beggar

My friend’s beagle mix, James, is the sweetest dog in the world. He loves food – any kind, so he will stare at you while your eating – no matter how long it takes, until he gets a morsel.
I got loose and ran like a crazy dog around the yard of our condo entrance just as all the neighbors decided to drive by and glare at my mommy like she’s the worst dog owner ever.
I don’t approve of my mom’s New year’s resolution to learn to knit.
Mom, I needed an extra boost this morning. Thanks for the coffee! Love, Max
Apparently Max saw his picture on my coffee mug and thought it was for him…
Rolex tries to eat the cotton balls while I’m doing my nails!!!!!!
“I pee when I see the people I love.”
Clutch is still just seven months old, so we’re all hoping he’ll grow out of it. Until then, we say our hellos outside.
My name is Sawyer. I don’t understand why my humans keep putting shoes in my sleeping basket so I take them out and sleep in it anyway.
We got into the trash and got coffee grounds all over the floor. Apparently, our need to shred napkins is greater than our fear of the vacuum cleaner.
Bailey and Hamilton
Rosie’s people were too caught to see what a threat her dog bed was becoming. She made sure to destory it/save us while we were out.
I chewed up my owner’s retainer. Bad boy, Schnitzel.