I had just stopped leaving Maddy in the kennel when I go to work, everyday there is a new mess to clean. Even when I believe I’ve done a very good job dog proofing my house
Rhodesian Ridgeback so soon?

I had just stopped leaving Maddy in the kennel when I go to work, everyday there is a new mess to clean. Even when I believe I’ve done a very good job dog proofing my house
He hasn’t eaten a non-dog toy in two years. But apparently this sneaky boy thought I got the antenna ball for him.
“I stole a Mickey Mouse antenna ball out of my Mom’s suitcase and ate an ear!! (It was a gift for my mom’s friend). Yummy!! Bruno”
Our friend Joanne sent us a picture of her family dog, Katara. You’ll notice that she is has chewed the laces out of four different pairs of shoes. She does look very sorry though.
I eat holes in my bedding then poop cotton balls – love Meeko
(The white in the grass is his poop after my hubby mowed the yard.)
“I just bit the track off the $1,500 pool cleaner. I’m not sorry. I’ll catch that thing yet!
Ziggy is our 3 year old chihuahua who has a personal vendetta against our robotic pool cleaner. As of now it’s;
Ziggy – 3 | Robot – 0
Penny – the 9 month old mini Goldendoodle unknowingly chewed through the leg posts of my sisters bed which resulted in her bed collapsing!
I eat the eyes out of all of my stuffed animals because I don’t like when they stare at me.
Must be the chihuahua half of her that can’t resist a chile relleƱo with hot sauce.
I ate my sister and mothers puzzles, and they worked so hard on them.
My name is Ruby. My owners walk me every morning, then I come in and poop on the living room floor in the same spot. As soon as my owners notice I drop to the ground and roll over so they can’t stay mad at me.