I look like Yoda when I roll over for belly rubs and I’m not ashamed. Dodger does this every night.
Doggie Yoda

I look like Yoda when I roll over for belly rubs and I’m not ashamed. Dodger does this every night.
“I knock over the bathroom trash and eat Q-tips”
Max loves to eat Q-tips and ear plugs if he can get ahold of them, he just loves ear wax I guess!
Yoda the pug loves to boss everyone around at daycare, punching and yelling at the other dogs. He isn’t sorry one bit.
Toddy and Melody are 2 terrible Teckels who love to destroy things. After this day, we had to throw this bed away…
This is Caeli and the fourth dog bed that we have gotten for her. She seems to think they taste better than dog food.
I ate all my mom’s fiber bran muffins. I had to poop all night long.
Moosie like to eat….EVERYTHING!
My dog pooped on the floor right after he was let in from being outside!
Sprout comes to work at the art gallery. He has made it very clear that he prefers to be on top of my hard desk, rather than on the comfy bed underneath the desk. Luckily, visitors to the gallery don’t seem to take TOO much offense.
Our dog, Max, didn’t think we needed a new garbage disposal when we had him.