I steal my family’s socks and leave them outside!
Sock thief!

I steal my family’s socks and leave them outside!
Sooki took it upon herself to sneak a live mouse back into the apartment. She then proceeded to drop & lick it and then it ran under the couch. I managed to catch it with a salad bowl.
Pippy ate the cookie thas a little kid was holding.
Maymo the lemon beagle wears himself out while dirtying fresh laundry.
Maymo also loves to roll around in dryer sheets.
Our beagle, Duck, likes to pull the wiring off mommy and daddy’s fence so he can go chase deer.
I got all rambunctious running around, tried to do a lap on the couch, and hip checked the wall. Was that wrong?
I don’t always get in the trash but when I do, I make sure it’s on the carpet and that I take a giant dump afterwards.
I heard Wilma chewing on something. Thought it was a bone. It was not a bone.
I pee on everything, including my friends.
(Anything unmarked or unfamilar to Mack gets peed on. This includes but is not limited too: A deep-fryer, plastic trash bags, a Shark steam mop, cat litter boxes, cats, smaller dogs, a pack of Ice Mountain water, poor defenseless brown paper bags, people’s purses/backpacks, a space heater, a magazine rack… Yeah. He’s a craphead.)
After plenty of fights to brush her, Leila decides it’s a good idea to eat her own fur. I doubt she’s even the slightest bit ashamed.