“I just ate an entire block of cream cheese.”
“(I am lactose intolerant)”
Cream Cheese Stealer

“I just ate an entire block of cream cheese.”
“(I am lactose intolerant)”
A new puppy leads to new temptations! Our 11 year old Pug, Mocha is always lurking during feeding time!
I knew i was asking for trouble when the trash can didn’t close all the way when i left for work…. My Callie-monster attacks again.
The sign says “Mom, why aren’t you happy? I left the toilet paper alone. -Callie (You said nothing about the trash.)”
I like baby food.
I have been meaning to tell you…I think this pillow is ugly!
What do you mean I’m not supposed to eat the entire bag??
Simon likes to find the sneakiest places in the house to poop, even if we’ve just taken him outside.
Sophie was left alone for less than 1 hour and ate this chair.
My Goldens always smile especially when they are bad.
One chews everything and the other digs everywhere.