I steal toothbrushes off the kitchen counter and chew them.
Taking Dental Hygiene Too Far

I steal toothbrushes off the kitchen counter and chew them.
I run in the kitchen and eat the cat’s food before I eat mine. She doesn’t like me.
I don’t trust my dad’s pants.
For some reason, Kronk (our 1 year old, 140 lb great dane) can’t handle my husband wearing pants. Jeans, sweats, shorts, if my husband is wearing them, Kronk tries to take them off. He’s even pulled my husband right off his chair! Kronk never has issues with anyone else’s pants, just my husband’s…
Our 10 week old puppy is not getting the concept of peeing on the “potty!” (Our Lawn)
Little MIss NOT Allowed in the living room…ate the chair and then sat on it to hide the damage. Avoids eye contact ….not sorry.
You’re welcome.
I sneak into my housemate’s rooms to steal their socks… and pee on their carpets.
dog eats feminine products when no one is around and they were found when accidentally running over the poop with the lawnmower
I’m sorry I pooped on your floor Mom.
Editor’s note: Someone needs to set the date on your camera! 🙂
12-year old Kobe has been hoarding socks his entire life. He collects them and stuffs them between couch cushions, under pillows, and he even sleeps with them in his bed!