This is Quintus. We run 3 times a week and usually it goes great…this time not so much.
Bad Running Buddy…

This is Quintus. We run 3 times a week and usually it goes great…this time not so much.
“Yesterday, I ate 2 ant-traps. The day before, your flip-flop. Now that you have a cold, I thought I’d try this tissue box! (Unconditional love is sweet)” –Ingli, the lab-mix
Party has Megaesophagus, a disease that makes him vomit regularly. Fiesta just tries to help clean up after her big brother!
I am a mass murderer of all things stuffed.
This is Charli, she is a white Shepard mix who has a compulsion to rip apart every stuffed animal and slowly pull out all of the stuffing, all over the apt.
I had my first ever bath at the puppy parlour. I barked the entire time (45 minutes) and was so scared of the hair dryer I had to go home before I was dry.
OK, point made. Now take this off of me !!
Destructive boxers ruin $400 pair of eyeglasses.
First there was one pillow missing … I spied it out in the backyard. Shredded. The next day, another pillow. And the third day – this special Christmas pillow in shreds. He thinks he is so clever because he figured out how to take pillows out through the dog door with him! Grrrr.
Most of the carrots in our veggie garden didn’t make it to “adult-hood” because our little Dacshund, Vienna, took it upon herself to daily pull some carrots out and eat them! We often found remnants of carrot around the garden and the house. She LOVES apples too.
If you can’t find Vito, check the closet. One day we will find out what he does during all of that private time… Sewing a new wardrobe for Frank? Whittling wood into a 200 piece replica of the battle for Middle-Earth? Writing a Pulitzer Prize winning novel? The world may never know…