mommy and daddy’s television stand was between me and my ball…. don’t worry… I got it…
ball obsessed

mommy and daddy’s television stand was between me and my ball…. don’t worry… I got it…
We left for dinner and when we got home, Reginald had “baked” some dessert for us. What a considerate guy.
I found this library book( The Hunger Games) twice in his crate. He barely looks guilty that I had to pay for it!
This is Lita. She’s a rescued pit mix. She’s the most well behaved and smartest (by far) in our dog family of 5. But she loves to escape and run free.
I haven’t counter surfed in over a year. Last night, at my owner’s parents, I needed a midnight snack.
I ate a loaf of brea. And the bag. I left them the heel.
Molly may look it, but she is NOT ashamed and wants breakfast.
A year and a half later, my rescue Lab is still a scavenger. But such a cute one!
I have a nightly “relationship” with my dog bed that no one understands….. This is the result.
I drink my moms coffee then go potty in the house cause it’s to cold outside. Lola
Millie prefers to stay on the other side of the camera.
I jumped over the living room gate and ate grandmommy’s hat. Shame on me!
As mom had the refrigerator door open while drinking her Gatorade, I was eating the deviled eggs that were sitting on the bottom shelf of the fridge. She didn’t even see me. I ate 4 before she caught me!
Then I heard my mom and Aunt say that I needed to be shamed so they had me sit down wearing this sign.