I can’t help myself..I <3 garbage
I heart garbage

I can’t help myself..I <3 garbage
“I HATE the cold (and waking up)!!
In my defense though, it has been consistently below zero temperatures!
“We got out when the housekeeper was not looking and the landlord had to call Mommy at work. We’re sorry.” They were spotted by the landlord running down the pedestrian zone and captured. I think they are secretly NOT sorry.
This toy bin lid tastes so much better than our dogfood! Yum!
I peed in the communal water bowl at the dog park. Then I watched as other dogs drank out of it. I am a cute little jerk.
Love, Spencer. Age 10
“I like to wear my mom’s bra! I am ashamed!”
Tuffy is a notorious laundry raider. Bras and panties are her favourite things to try on. She usually comes slinking to her mom for help when she gets all tangled up in them.
Just realized that Fiona has been using the bottom rungs of the antique dining room set as a chew toy. Her daddy has been out all day trying to make repairs. Looks like an expensive chew toy!
I really want to go all the way upstairs but this mean kitty won’t let me. Kitty is a Bully!
As you might have noticed, our website looks a little different today. We’ve decided to revamp the website in order to speed up the loading process for you! Our website has undergone tremendous change from the inside as well as the outside. Our content has not and will not change. Over the next few days, there may be a few glitches and such. If you happen upon any glitches, feel free to email us a screen cap!
Dog Shaming
This is my Great Dane Giacomo. Last night we had a party for my sister’s birthday and he was partying pretty hard. He’s usually the first one up every morning. This morning was an exception.