I was so excited to see my sitter that I couldn’t hold it together. I threw up all my food right in front of the door. I THEN proceeded to walk through it. She still loves me…
Minnie eats a stinkbug
Minnie tries to eat a crumpled up stinkbug after chasing around the couch and ends up leaving it there uneaten and crumpled up.
Pippa might have gotten you fired.
Sorry for peeing on the customer at your job.
Midnight poop, midnight snack.
Lottie (the Pug) and Libby (the Boston) take care of each other. One provides the snacks, the other is happy to clean them up.
Shhhh don’t wake the pup… uh oh!
“I’m only good when I’m sleeping” -Remus
I’m remus and I’m only 11 weeks old. My favorite activities include peeing on my mom’s bed, eating chinchilla poop, and hay. I’m a bad boy! 🙁
Izzie Monster
I ate 13 keys off my Dad’s laptop. Now I have the alphabet poops!
The Evil Bunny
10 month old Indiana made sure he protected his Mom and Dad by destroying the evil cushion. He was quite proud of himself!
Burped In Mummy’s Mouth
I burped into my mummy’s OPEN mouth when she was getting something out of my eye, she said it tasted like death
Binge and Purge Pug
Oscar loves to eat.
I think my dog has an eating disorder.
Editor’s Note: Your dog might have a condition called megaesophagus. Might want to check with your vet.
Marker Massacre
Mommy found her eaten pens, highlighters, and sharpies all over the living room when she got home…I had blue ink on my chin and my sister had it in her armpit.