“I howl whenever my mum’s phone rings, so she misses the start of each conversation. I see no reason for shame.”. Sherbert, our working Cocker Spaniel, has taken up singing which means I have to start every conversation with “Can you repeat that, please?” I’ve tried different ringtones but they all make him release his inner wolf.
It was a nice sunny day in Seattle. I thought I would open the patio doors and let the breeze in. Ashy normally likes to smell the grass and sit in the sunshine. Today she decided to bark at every dog, person, and bird that came by so I blocked the doorway with a chair. This is the picture of her pouting.
“I bark at all the neighbors. Now I’m banned from the patio.”
“I eat grandma’s plants and I don’t feel bad about it!” My 5 month old dog izzy eats the plants and gets dirt all over the patio and then not long after throws up. At least he’s cute!