My lab, Kimber, destroyed my Alpha Chi Honor Society medal. She’s pretty ashamed.
Medal of (dis)honour

My lab, Kimber, destroyed my Alpha Chi Honor Society medal. She’s pretty ashamed.
Idgie’s one weakness is graphite. She didn’t even want the wood around it.
“The only thing I EVER chew up are pencils the kitty knocks down. (Thanks a lot, kitty!)”
I like to eat the baby’s things. Pacifiers, blankets, and my personal favorite- the new bouncy seat. I have no remorse.
-Perry the Puggle
Biff is a 2 year old wire-haired dachshund. The cat got blamed, but Bifff was actually caught in the act this time!
“Yesterday we ate the Wii… Today it was the BluRay player.” Harkness and Bowie have totally earned their first dog-shaming submission.
Colby likes to feel flexible every once in awhile by lifting his leg and making it rain on me.
Who knew something with such small legs could reach the kitchen table and swipe a turkey sandwich?!
I carry stuff that is not mine outside through the doggie door. I have no remorse. – Dodger
Yuri is ashamed of his fleas.
I’m a bad bad boy! I pooped on the bathroom carpet and mommy is very upset.