I went for a trial run outside of my crate while master was away… I failed to the tune of $200.00
Failed Trial Run

I went for a trial run outside of my crate while master was away… I failed to the tune of $200.00
Motek’s mom got a copy of the dog shaming book and accidentally left it on the coffee table. Next thing she knew, the dog had eviscerated the heirloom teddy bear!
I think I killed a mummy
No paper shredding job was ever too big for Lucy the 10 pound Yorkie…
…Susan Belser!!!
Congrats, Susan (@subee_50). You have just won two copies of the Dog Shaming book along with a ton of other swag!! Thanks everyone who participated, there were so many good entries! Try your luck again next Tuesday, and every Tuesday til Christmas! If you simply cannot wait, feel free to buy the book here!
“I added some ventilation holes to your fleece blanket! I’m not sorry…”
Have you already submitted your caption? Time is running out for this week’s caption contest. We’ll be picking a winner and announcing it tomorrow! You can give us your answer on facebook, twitter, or in the reply box on this post!
Mei Ling Wu is outed for inability to Belieb.
“I peed on the Roomba”
-Maralynn the rescue-mutt. If she were a Batman villain, she’d be The Piddler.
Our mom and dad took us to get shots. We repaid them by throwing up all over the car.
I started a fire! I’m a bad dog
My dog, Wilbur turned on the stove and started a fire. I put it out and everything’s ok. Wilbur was only upset because he hates the sound of the fire alarm!