Oh Emma. Just hope none of your antics end up on the internet. Oh wait.
Go home, Emma…

Oh Emma. Just hope none of your antics end up on the internet. Oh wait.
During the countdown for New Year’s Eve, when he thought everyone was distracted, this dog slyly tried to become intimate with a guest’s arm. When asked if he felt remorse, he replied “I’d do it again.”
Lane’s owners say: “My husband and I, along with our two Yorkies, moved into our first house not too long ago. We have started the process of decorating to make it our own. Lane has her own way of making things her own. As a puppy mill rescue, we cut her a bit of slack, but she doesn’t have to look so pleased with herself!”
Niffler’s owner says: “I had to read Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “Autumn of the Patriarch” for class. Niffler would growl at the book every time she saw the cover (I think the eyes scared her). One day, she was growling at the book, and as soon as I put it down, she ran over and peed on the cover. Bad dog!” Everyone’s a critic!
Freida sneaks out to the balcony where the cat box is, and helps herself to a tasty litter covered treat. By treat, we mean cat turd. Then she smacks her lips non-stop for ten minutes.
Hector, like Ariel the mermaid, just wants to be where the people are.
Bupi LOVES people but HATES dogs. Maybe because no other dog could ever be so adorable? We can’t rule it out.