This is Mia, our 8 year old Blue Heeler mix, rescue dog. Somehow she got ahold of a potholder today while her humans were at work. We suspect that the cats assisted her.
Mia loves to bake

This is Mia, our 8 year old Blue Heeler mix, rescue dog. Somehow she got ahold of a potholder today while her humans were at work. We suspect that the cats assisted her.
I can’t stand it when I’m not the center of attention. I’m a jerk. -Rusty
He can’t stand it when we’re on the computer instead of paying attention to him, even when the threat of Dog Shaming is near. He will physically impede you from typing if that’s what it takes to get your attention on him.
Macy gets so excited to see people that she gets up on the couch to be at face level. The problem is when she jumps up at you her paws and nails tend to meet your face. No matter how short we keep her nails, someone in the house always has a scratch from Macy.
Eddie the Dachshund peed on dad’s towel.
Our dog Teddy stole an entire loaf of homemade bread off the kitchen counter. He would not give it up and ate the entire loaf.
The black Cocker Spaniel, Tux, stole a steak from the kitchen counter. It was warming briefly before my husband could take it outside to the grill. Tux grabbed it and shared the 3/4″, 3-1/2 lb. steak with the black and white Cocker. Both are rescues from the Fond du Lac Humane Society. Tux was adopted in October 2007. Bode was our latest adoption in May 2012.
I waited approximately 15 minutes before I peed on mummy’s freshly shampooed white carpet. I know better! – Cozette
This is Jack…he just turned 4 years old and has always loved to try to get his paws on mommy and daddy’s food. He knows he is doing something wrong and will put himself in time out after every offense….of course while licking his lips!
Bella has a habit of sneaking into the laundry room and eating the poop out of the cat litter. Of course the one who cleans the litter box is excited because he doesn’t have to clean it. However I have to follow her , then has to clean up her litter trail of poop and litter. Just great. She wont eat her food, but will eat the dirty litter? Anyone for a big smooch from this one?
My name is Einstein and I am guilty of eating my mom and dad’s marriage licence… it tasted good.