I think Rascal dropped out of school before he finished learning all his words! “I can pick out all my toys by name, but that N-O word really trips me up”
Doesn’t know the meaning of the word NO

I think Rascal dropped out of school before he finished learning all his words! “I can pick out all my toys by name, but that N-O word really trips me up”
Cinnamon was having a great time avoiding me at the dog park when it was time to go home. She ran up the hill, she did a little dance to avoid getting snagged by the collar. All in all, she had a great time. So it’s now back to recall training with treats. This hound has a sense of humour!
I left a Jalapeno bread on the table in the morning, only to find it gone by lunch time – along with a very guilty-looking dog.
I pester my Mama until she takes me for a walk and then immediately after stepping outside, refuse to walk and go limp until she takes me back inside. Its fun! – George
While the house was empty, as we were all attending Big Grand’s funeral, Piper helped herself to the spiral cut ham… BTW, this was Piper’s first introduction to the family.
I tore up a whole roll of papertowels in the livingroom. Bad dog! I watched.
I refuse to poop on wet ground. I will stand outside for hours and then come inside and immediately poop on the carpet. I’m 17 years old and I don’t care.
Needless to say, the fact that we’ve gotten a ton of rain over the last month has been problematic for our 17 year old dog, Fod. Thankfully, he’s a sweet little old man 🙂
I’m Tandia. I ate a bar of soap and puked in ALL THREE dog beds.
It doesn’t happen too often, but every once in awhile I forget to close the bathroom door…
I’m not allowed on the bed… But I weigh 150lbs. Lets see you try to get me down!
Max is our newly adopted brindle Mastiff… She has 3 dog beds but this is her favorite!