If given a choice, Quagmire would rather not eat than eat her healthy veterinarian prescribed food!!!
I don’t like healthy food!!!

If given a choice, Quagmire would rather not eat than eat her healthy veterinarian prescribed food!!!
My name is Drake and I am almost eleven years old. I have never done anything truly naughty before in my life. My humans always say I am the perfect gentleman. Well, I know I am getting up there in years, and when my humans loaded the groceries into the back of the van and I noticed the take-and-bake pizza, I decided there might not be many more opportunities quite this perfect in my lifetime. I used my ninja skills to sneak into the very back of the van, pull back the plastic, and silently eat the whole pizza. It was so tasty! My humans didn’t even suspect a thing until they went to unload the groceries at home.
Mom and Dad could have bout 5 replacements for me for the cost of the hearing aid I chewed up.
But they didn’t!
When our owner arrived home, two short hours before our human sister’s birthday party, she discovered we had eaten all 24 birthday cupcakes – brightly coloured wrappers and all.
We got fired from our dog sitter/walker. This our 3rd one….
I’m a jerk and go crazy with other dogs.
Harley has a serious thing for fruit. There have been incidents with bananas several times before.. healthiest dog I’ve ever met =)
Editor’s note: While mangoes are perfectly safe, healthy, and yummy for dogs, watch out for fruit pits as larger ones might find themselves lodged in their digestive tract.
Sarsen got a new ball for his Birthday, it didn’t last.
We often come home to find daddy’s dirty underwear in the middle of the bedroom floor and Barley looking very shameful! This time, he needed some public shaming.
When my mom is not looking, I drink her coffee, eat the entire cup, and leave only the lid. Don’t be fooled by how sorry I look, I will do it again. – Sparrow
Editor’s note: Please be aware that caffeine can really upset your pet’s tummy. If you think your pet has ingested your triple-shot-no-foam-extra-hot latte, please call your vet.
Termite loves to hump stuffed pillows and toys. He will also cram them into his crate and growl when our other dogs get near it.