“I spent the night with the neighbours, I didn’t tell my mom. She cried for 3 hours. No shame!”
– Violet
My 11 year old pug some how got out of our locked yard last night, our neighbours picked her up and dropped her off this morning. I got up at 7 am looking for her and had an anxiety attack. She was fine, and casually ate half of my father’s egg sandwich when she returned home.
“I pooped on a public campground road with no poop bags.” Bennie pooped on a quick walk to he dumpsters and dad got left with a little pile of poo in the middle of the road while mom dashed back to the camper for a bag. Bennie was pleased with himself while dad was embarrassed and turned red!!
I came home from a 12 hour day, stepped into the kitchen and promptly slipped and fell because the floor was soaked. Jessie managed to knock over her water bowl, which has a 1.5 gallon container attached to it. The water actually seeped through the floor into the basement. I guess that’s one way to clean the floor.
Zeus has white-dog syndrome. He has to get dirty every chance he gets; including when we met our new neighbours. He ran in the mud and jumped in there car to see their Yorkie. He will do it again. He cannot resist a open car door.