This is Okra. He was left alone for 45 minutes and found a book of madlibs that he apparently didn’t care for.
Pool open for the season…err…maybe not.
I just got a new paddling pool… and I broke it 🙁
Easter Eggs
I’ve been a part of my family for 10 years. So when Momma brought me over for Easter to see my human cousins, I was super happy. But when Momma and Aunt Sara were hiding the Easter eggs, they started to notice that the eggs were disappearing. Momma caught me red handed. I had been hunting the Easter eggs before my human cousins could and I ate two of the eggs. I had smelly farts for 2 days.
I herd eggs, then eat them!
“I ate the humans eggs for their Easter egg hunt.” My name is Gertie and I love to eat! So when my mom hid eggs for my human sisters I decided to help with the egg hunt too! Now I have stinky egg farts!
You are NOT the Easter bunny.
Too Enthusiastic at Easter Dinner
Humping of the dinner guests is an issue Max is working through. Luckily Mom and Dad’s dinner guest and parish priest was a super good sport about it!
Remind me when does Lent end?
I ate all the hot cross buns. It’s my Easter too.
You know you own a chocolate lab when…
Never mind that I found this pizza in a sewer and it looked at least three months old… I shoved the whole thing in my mouth before my owners could stop me. I even threw it up in the backyard later that day!
Stuck on you!
I eat glue sticks. Yum.
The ultimate betrayal
I get in Mom’s lap, look her in the eyes MEANINGFULLY, and when I have her full & undivided attention . . . I belch.