I don’t like strangers coming to the house, they should not keep calm!
Keep calm and GO AWAY!

I don’t like strangers coming to the house, they should not keep calm!
Chooky is my 1yr old JRT chihuahua cross, and loves to chew. Today on our morning walk she found a dirty pair of ladies panties and managed to sneak them inside! Imagine 20 minutes of me chasing her around our home trying to get them off of her yuck!
Piggy does NOT like going outside in the morning and will hide under the bed to try and escape. I’ve had to put bags and boxes in the centre because she knows I can’t reach under there all the way and she’ll stay just out of reach. Once I finally get her out from under the bed, she doesn’t move, and continues to snore, all the while looking up at me with an evil side-eye. I end up having to carry her outside or push her along the carpet until she finally gets up.
“I knocked an old man off his cane and into the bushes. So not sorry. Will try again tomorrow.” I try to always keep Badger inside when our elderly neighbour Bob is walking his dog, but today I didn’t see Bob in time. Badger rushed to greet Bob’s dog, the leash tangled around the cane and over Bob went. There was lots of swearing, but fortunately nobody was hurt. Badger is VERY proud of himself.
Ollie, who has always been good at putting his…artwork…in the proper receptacle, surprised us today with an abstract brown painting on the bathroom floor. The museum curators (his mom and dad) were not amused.
Maple is sure there’s something down there, and won’t stop digging until she finds it.
I ate my sisters new Frozen book! She paid for it with her own money. She’s very sad! and angry!
I picked up a book from the kitchen table and ate it! It was my sister book that she just bought yesterday. She’s very angry.
I did sit and stay very nicely for this picture though! That has to count for something, right? I am a good dog but sometimes I don’t make the best choices… Owner Agrees!! Sweet Pup!
My two rescue chihuahuas waiting for me while I took my shower. Stepped out, grabbed my towel and SURPRISE
Ant hills do not make good pee targets.
Stitch the French Farter