Supposedly, expensive Beats by Dre headphones taste good?! Now the cat can’t come and go when he pleases because the cat flap has been covered up!
That must be one big cat!

Supposedly, expensive Beats by Dre headphones taste good?! Now the cat can’t come and go when he pleases because the cat flap has been covered up!
I steal my sister’s toys while she’s at school. I lick the couch a lot.
“I helped the Hamster escape from her ball.”
-Bella Buttons
Our dog accidentally let out a little toot and seemed embarrassed by it.
Caught red handed eating her bed 🙁
I lose control when my dad leaves the house. I need help!
I came downstairs one morning to discover Kona had chewed through my roommate’s computer cable. This was just one of several things of my roommate’s that she’s seen fit to tamper with. Silly kid.
This is my ferret, Gracie. She is a ninja and a thief. She makes no noise when she steals stuff and I often don’t realize anything is missing until the next time I need whatever it is.
9 Month- Old Sinbad outdid himself on this one…
My dog Brian got into the school supplies two days before school, chewed up most of the pencils, ate 3 out of 6 glue sticks, and chewed the corner of a ream of printer paper so every thing we print has teeth marks on it. He is not a dog that chews anything in the house, he only chews things in yellow shopping bags because he thinks they are juice boxes and school snacks. He tore open the supplies, and apparently though glue was a major food group. Then he pooped Glue sticks and erasers a couple days later.