“I bite my Auntie Jenn’s bum when she dances.”
Willis is a 4 year old Boxer who loves his Auntie unconditionally – except when she dances. Auntie Jenn shakes her hips when a good song comes on the radio or tv and Willis disapproves. However the little nibble on the tush doesn’t stop Auntie Jenn from dancing, it just makes her laugh and leads to a fun play time!
When my mom was busy entertaining guests in another room, I ate half a pot of potato leek soup warming on the stove.
No regrets, except that now I have gas….lots of gas.
This is Alex my 3 year old dachshund. He uses his nose to go into the empty bathroom and then the door shuts behind him and he’s stuck inside. He does this at minimum 5 times a day EVERY day. He whines and cries to be let out… then acts like nothing ever happened afterward. He never learns. LOL