Vegas hides cat poo around the house….we were blaming the poor cats until we caught her!
Sure…blame the cat…

Vegas hides cat poo around the house….we were blaming the poor cats until we caught her!
I think the 2 yr olds potty chair is my snack bowl.
Took our dogs out for a potty break and Zoe, the one on the right decided she needed to be directly under Nuke, the one on the left, when he had to pee. Neither one moved when we tried to stop the chaos. So we decided they deserved to be shamed. We love our pets!
Our Coonhound Buford hates to be left alone. This is the effects of a few mistakes made on the part of my husband. These mistakes are listed below.
First mistake: waking up late and rushing to get ready for church
Second mistake: Not looking harder for the pins to secure the dog’s crate door
Third mistake: Using nail clippers to try to secure the crate
Final mistake: Not confirming door was secure
Result: dog escaped, locked himself in the bathroom then chewed his way out.
Does he look sorry?
I eat whole sticks of butter. My crowning achievement is an entire tub of butter from Costco.
I made the mistake of leaving my temporary tooth appliance where our dog could reach it. She turned it into a tasty snack & didn’t even leave any money under my pillow!
I like to dump over the trash can so I’m a trash dog!!!
Meet Rupert and Alfie the Jack Russells… 1 year old Rupert and his 4 month old adopted brother Alfie decided to play ‘Tug-Of-War’ with their Mum’s bra whilst she was catching up on some well deserved rest… It took their Mum aaaaages to find the other Cup that was thrown accross the other side of the room… Named & Shamed!! x
I spilled an entire gallon of dark brown paint and tracked it through my new house.
I am Diego, your two different kinds of child-safety locks and loads of duck tape are merely small obstacles to the magic food box. And the best thing, is that every house we go to has one. Every. Single. One.
Now let us return to our slumber.