Daisy’s loves for socks doesn’t stop there… she also loves underpants. Our backyard is littered with socks and underpants that have either been thrown up or made it all the way through.
Daisy the Digester

Daisy’s loves for socks doesn’t stop there… she also loves underpants. Our backyard is littered with socks and underpants that have either been thrown up or made it all the way through.
While her Mommy & Daddy were getting ready for work, she stole their bagel and licked all the cream cheese off.
“I hate having my ears cleaned so much that I hide every single time someone opens the medicine cabinet” – Phoebe, 7yo lab.
My lab is prone to ear infections, so the vet told me to clean her ears once a week. Every time Phoebe hears the creak of the medicine cabinet opening, she makes a run for her crate and hides. In reality, she’s actually only getting her ears cleaned about 10% of the time I open that cabinet, but she obviously doesn’t want to risk it.
When walking with my dad I would rather run in front of a bus than walk past a person on a bike. ~Daisy~
This isn’t even his first carpet-hole. It’s a good thing he’s cute. Jerk.
Slightly unfortunate to have a French Bulldog who loves central heating
WOOHOO! I cannot believe it’s been two years already! Feels like just yesterday we started this great adventure of busted couches and ruined iPhones. Thanks to all the readers who come back day in and day out – you’re what makes this website possible.
To thank you guys, we’re launching a contest!! The contest starts now, and will run for 6 days ending on Thursday August 21st, 2014 at 9amEST!
1 signed copy of Dog Shaming: the book
2 Dog Shaming 2015 calendars (1 day-to-day and 1 monthly wall calendar)
A three-month subscription to Bark Box
A $25 gift certificate for in-home petsitting from Rover.com (available in most major US cities)
A Dog Shaming tote bag and other goodies
I’m Sam, and I like to bring my squeaky toy into my family’s bedrooms while they are sleeping. Sometimes they find it in their beds in the morning. Other times the squeaking wakes them up and they put it up high where I can’t reach it. As of yet, they’ve never initiated a game of fetch in the wee hours, but I’ll keep trying.
I bolted out the door on Halloween and scared a little girl in a princess costume.
I’m Max and I like to eat dirty diapers and nursing pads.