I think its funny to pee on beds!!! This is Mr Chin and loves to pee on beds even if you are sleeping in them!! He just doesn’t care!
Fun on the beds!!!

I think its funny to pee on beds!!! This is Mr Chin and loves to pee on beds even if you are sleeping in them!! He just doesn’t care!
I ate mom’s brand new iPhone case, with the new iPhone inside!
My 6lb dog tried to attack a coyote and luckily my husband and neighbour were right there to save him so the coyote dropped him. He literally has a scar of the coyote claw marks on one side of him and teeth in the other side. ER Vet said we were beyond lucky!
Banjo likes to punish mum for going out so he eaters her going out shoes and her going out basket.
I stripped my brother naked and ate his sweater.
I hate being clean! When i get a bath I always go find a pile of poo to roll in!
Recently, our older cat has had to switch to a more fatty wet cat food. Thanks to Lenny she hasn’t even had a chance to taste it.
Mom left the plastic sugar container on the kitchen table. In a feat of excellent teamwork, Juno (left) and Abby retrieved the container from the table and then ate it all…and the container.
I pooped in my big girl undies. ….I ate them