Bodie decided to finish the chips while everyone was gone.
Background cat makes dog out to be the patsy

Bodie decided to finish the chips while everyone was gone.
“I am too lazy to jump into the back of the car”
Tucker is 1 year old and uses the technique of playing dead whenever he doesn’t want to do something. Even though he can jump up into the low Prius, he refuses to do it voluntarily and prefers to place his front paws up and then have his rear paws lifted up. When I don’t cooperate he plays dead and poor poodle Scarlett has to wait impatiently while I try to move him from his passive protest position.”
I nip at my Mom & Dad’s behinds when I want to play.
Half a pan of Lasagna unguarded on the dining table.
I fart and startle myself. Fart + Startle= “Fartle”. I’m a Fartler! Dolly tries his best to take a nap but is always awoken by the trumpeting of his own rear end which always wakes him with a startle. We coined the term “Fartle” for him because he does it constantly!
Our lovely 4 yr old Parson Russell Terrier, Hope, is a cuddle bug. Once she’s comfortable on your lap she will start to slowly lick you in the same spot over & over & over & over. One morning she licked my leg while I was in the shower causing me to scream & fall. We love our lickin’ fool
Hambone helped receive our mail today. Bad dog!
Mom made the mistake of placing the pizza box in the back. So I just helped myself to a piece. Not ashamed. Love, Tut.
I always know when Mom needs to be somewhere on time, so that’s when I cause the most trouble. Today, I tried to eat a bee right before Mom left for class. I spat it out. It was yucky.
I made a turkey wrap for my husband’s lunch, walked away for a few seconds and Chance, aka the blond haired thief, stole it and ate it! He at least looks sorry.
The sign says, I ate my dad’s turkey wrap my mom made for his lunch. Snatched it right off the counter.