Zeus got caught sitting on a kitchen table chair and drinking out of his mom’s wine glass.
Wasting away again in dogaritaville

Zeus got caught sitting on a kitchen table chair and drinking out of his mom’s wine glass.
My sweet baby boy, Rocky, enjoyed his first set of earbuds!
You can’t see it very well but I bit into the screen of the remote and broke the glass so now she’s can’t see what she’s doing. Hopefully now I will get more attention!
I ate my dog bed today while mom was napping.
I chased this beer down when it rolled away from me and brought it back to my mommy. Then it exploded all over her. I am not sure what happened.
Wiki likes to jump into the bathtub to let his owner know that his water bowl is empty. She has been trying to regulate his water intake at night before bedtime and this is his form of protest.
Daisy is a one year old, rescued Staffordshire Bull Terrier. We thought we’d managed to finally toilet train her. We hadn’t. We thought we’d managed to finally stop her running after other dogs when out on a walk. We hadn’t.
Crosby has mostly outgrown his chewing stage… But if it is in this corner, it’s fair game. Living plants included!
I like to sneak into my owners closet and steal candy. Shame on me? Shame on them! Thank you for the container of sugar-free gum. My breath smells marvelous! Kisses, Luke
Editor’s note: Lots of gums and other candies can be very dangerous or toxic to our pets. During the next coming holiday months, let’s take extra precautions to keep our furry friends safe and out of the vet’s office.
Lucy loves to unstuff any and all toys she can get ahold of. Every. Last. One.