I chew the legs off my toys!!….. And I get to wear them!!
I chew the legs….

I chew the legs off my toys!!….. And I get to wear them!!
My boss has the best ‘taste in’ shoes.
repeated trash can digging offenses
Lucky likes to chew and eat any and everything he can get his paws on. While his dad was resting before having to go to work, he got ahold of the glasses (dad is virtually blind without them) and demolished them.
I Chewed Up The Window while my humans were out, Lost Privileges of being left alone.
Dexter thinks my ink pens are the best toy ever. Too bad I need them to do my job. I’ve been through three packs in the last month.
Henry has his own idea of what to do with tennis balls.
His sign says: What, you wanted to play tennis?? (I am NOT sorry)
I ate 3/4 of a pizza off of the counter, then a whole stick of butter AFTER I broke Mommy’s favorite vintage butter dish.
Whenever I go for a run in the country, my dog darts away to find the biggest pile of cow poop she can. She gets a lot of baths.
I picked a fight…
Then, I got hurt…
Now I have to wear
the collar of shame.
Tough-Guy Mosby