My husband came home after a long day at work to find our 6 month old Mastiff Bernese Saint Bernard had torn apart his bed and he wasn’t even locked in his kennel.
It’s pretty hard to stay mad at that face.
Bentley Boo does a booboo

My husband came home after a long day at work to find our 6 month old Mastiff Bernese Saint Bernard had torn apart his bed and he wasn’t even locked in his kennel.
It’s pretty hard to stay mad at that face.
Our dog Lucy has figured out that when she’s outside and wants to see the family, all she has to do is pull the TV cable out of the wall and someone will come running out to see her!
We ate a pound of brown sugar. It was delicious. We’d do it again. Love Baxter and Remy.
“I like Irish Spring Soap. It’s the meal in between meals.” – Murphy
Hi, my names Murphy. I enjoy camping, long walks, car rides and hanging with my family. When I have down time and look for trouble, I’m quick to take advantage of an open shower curtain. My humans leave me with an all access pass to the Irish Spring soap. I always leave them guessing, certain they can’t tell by the bubbles coming from my mouth.
I would laugh if it didn’t happen to me.
I ate a Duraflame log and my mom had to take me to the vet so they could make me puke. Now I’m on a high fiber diet to make me poop.
I LOVE chewing! I even chewed up my mom’s mirror! 7 years bad luck? Bring it! The Adorable Destroyer!
Becky Boo though quite the little chewer is sweet as pumpkin pie. Heard the expression “If I fits, I sits.” Well Becky says…”If Its out…it goes in the mouth.” Becky is 2.5 years old and a rescue from the Durham APS brought into Blue Ridge Boxer Rescue. She is only 45lbs but she makes up for that in personality. We are working on jumping and mouthy play and she is learning basic obedience. She gets along well with other dogs and actually listens pretty well. Though like most dogs can get into a little trouble if left unattended. Becky is available for adoption at Blue Ridge Boxer Rescue. Click here for Becky Boo’s profile.
Someone really loves the treasure he finds on top of the dining room table.
Tanner tried to ate his daddy’s document from work that he was suppose to sign and turn in.
Our 9 1/2 year old Maltese, Atlas, decided to “freshen up” my car on the way to the groomer.
I pooped in Mom’s car on the way to the groomer. Love, Atlas
#noshame #nervouscolon
P.S. I’d do it again!