Cosette decided to start AND finish the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie the night before Thanksgiving and managed not to break the pie plate in the process of getting it off the counter! She was very sorry.
They should have named me “Pumpkin”

Cosette decided to start AND finish the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie the night before Thanksgiving and managed not to break the pie plate in the process of getting it off the counter! She was very sorry.
Stella: I had explosive diarrhea–the smell was so bad it woke my owner up (even though she was on a different floor of the house)
Piper: Then I walked in it, up the newly carpeted stairs, and jumped on the bed
Coco just ate the cat’s poop from the litterbox lol!
Came home Thanksgiving night to discover Lucy had chewed off the wooden heads off Mom’s Navajo sheep. Little pieces of wood were everywhere.
I had just taken the turkey out of the over and left it on the counter to cool. I then went up and got my shower, thinking the pan was to hot for the cats to mess with. Boy, was I wrong! My oldest cat, who is a rescue and has yet to break the habit of stealing food, knocked over the pan. When I came back down, I found our five cats and Saphera finishing off the last of the turkey.
I ate all the turkey (With the help of the cats)
Happy Thanksgiving (the pumpkin pie was great!!!)
Porter pulled the grocery bag off the counter and found the pumpkin pie an hour before dinner…
I sneak under the fence and visit the inside of other homes, so my mom makes me wear this bumper of shame.
The cat puked..and I helped my mom clean up by eating it before she could grab a paper towel. I’m gross…and not sorry.
-Diesel the Malamute
I chewed up the satellite TV cable and pulled it right off the house.
Hazel after her first walk after a $120 grooming.