We destroyed our electric blanket. Now we are cold.
Frozen weenies

We destroyed our electric blanket. Now we are cold.
I chewed Joanne’s glasses that she bought 3 months ago to replace the year-old glasses that I also destroyed. Pepper, 10 mos. old
I ate the bacon maple donuts my mom was saving for my furless brothers!
I searched the trash can for leftover spaghetti…I love spaghetti #busted
Luna took a bath in the Duck Swamp, look how clean she is….
“I stole gum from my mom’s purse! I’m naughty!” I had just gotten home from work, took Bella out, brought her back inside, and while in the restroom, I thought I heard funny sounds. But when I came out, Bella was just standing in the hallway looking at me. It wasn’t until I walked into the living room that I saw pieces of the gum carton all over the floor. My purse was on the kitchen floor and she stuck her nose in it, and stole my gum. I think I had two or three more pieces left, but no wrapper or gum was to be found, just what was left of the chewed up carton.
Editor’s Note: Be careful with pets and gum. Some gums containing Xylitol can be toxic and cause seizures, vomiting, etc. If you think your dog has ingested xylitol, call poison control. Bella’s owner is smart and bought xylitol-free gum!
Somehow our dog Malcolm got my son’s school art project off the counter and ate the cheerios that had been glued on. Not sure if he was hungry, or didn’t like my son’s artistic creation.
I have to mark EVERYTHING! including chairs, doors and other dogs!
“I destroyed a door, because of a bug.”
Ross ate the cover of his owner’s brand new Dog Shaming book, as well as a utility bill, a set of Legos, and some toilet paper straight off the roll. His sign says “I’m being shamed because I ate the Dog Shaming book. -Ross”