Laverne got stuck in one of mommy’s bras…. apparently Shirley (not pictured) set up a boobie trap.
It was a boobie trap

Laverne got stuck in one of mommy’s bras…. apparently Shirley (not pictured) set up a boobie trap.
I fake leg injuries in the snow for attention. Then when my dad brings me inside, I stand at the door and bark to go back outside.
This is our gorgeous little girl Rosie, she is a Tenterfield Terrier (Australian breed) and thinks that it is just wonderful to roll around in something ungodly when she goes for a walk and comes home smelling like a small trash can – have found she really enjoys having a shower and playing with the towel afterwards though 🙂
My rabbit Bella likes to kick her poop out of her cage. And when she does, Bailey goes over it like a vacuum. She isn’t ashamed:) she does seem slightly embarrassed though.
Emmy will hide for days after a haircut. she gets embarrased and sniffs her own butt to make sure its really her. our cats secretly laugh at her making it worse.
Our cat likes to catch animals… play with. This particular day he caught a baby bunny, ran in the house with it and let it loose. it took over an hour to catch and was released back into the wild shaken up, but unharmed.
6 year old pug steals slippers all the time, and never gets caught. Never UGG slippers just PUG slippers.
Both my dogs.. Cinnamon (dachshund) and Fred(Multi Racial) Being shamed over a frozen dead squirrel.
“I have issues respecting people’s boundaries.” This dog is the reason the pool fence company has to puts an asterisk next to their ad, “Pet Proof Fencing*”. *not 100% pet proof. She continually eats through the fence to try and swim.
While I walked away to rotate laundry, Leslie decided to take off her poopy diaper. Rosie took the opportunity to lick someone else’s butt for a change of pace. Saved me from having to wipe it off of Leslie’s backside.