Meet Pam. She is about 10 pounds, about 20 years old, and has about 4 teeth. Staying in the kitchen because she has old age incontinence is apparently unacceptable!
I will not be contained, I’m old!

Meet Pam. She is about 10 pounds, about 20 years old, and has about 4 teeth. Staying in the kitchen because she has old age incontinence is apparently unacceptable!
I make my bed in mum’s knitting. She ‘s been trying to finish this scarf for months. I have no shame.
Adoptive sister pugs Gen and the Foo love other……95% of the time. Unless food is involved then, it’s every pug for herself! No regrets.
Buddy always seems to get attacked by fluffy things in the house. It is inexplicable!
This is BELLA. She is a 6 month old Cockalier (cocker and cavalier spaniel mix). Her crate was sitting on top of her sisters crate when she decided that she no longer wanted to play with her toys and would rather dig a hole in the wall (of my new house). After this incident, I put a piece of cardboard between her crate and the wall. That didn’t stop her. She shred the cardboard up. Not sorry at all 🙂
I ate the pooper scooper.
Chalupa decided to bite his future grandmother in-law on their first meeting!!! Now he is not invited to summer in Cape Cod at her house.
My name is Fudge. I ate the pretty decorative Easter eggs my mom made with her kids when they were little.
I eat anything plastic, then barf it up and eat it again. Please recycle
“I took care of that pesky Welcome Mat for you”. We don’t need a welcome mat when I do a good job of humping every guest to welcome them into our home.