For breakfast, I ate 2 bananas, 2 apples, a wicker basket, and the floor. I’m not sorry.
Part of a complete breakfast

For breakfast, I ate 2 bananas, 2 apples, a wicker basket, and the floor. I’m not sorry.
“I chewed the hooks off of all of my mom’s bras! <3, Ellie”
I found this tennis ball at the park today. My mom chased me around to take it away. When she caught me, I swallowed it to spite her. To spite me, she had the vet bring it back up.
“I woke my Mommy up this morning by puking on her bed. Am I sick? No, I’m just mad because she wouldn’t share her pillow.”
There is nothing like waking up to the melodious sounds of vomiting…
Watson is a bit obsessive about his ball, so when it rolled under our buffet cabinet one night while we were away, he got frustrated that he couldn’t get it out. But it was clear to us that by the depth of the chew marks, his attention quickly turned from “need my ball” to “yummy wood!”
Sign reads “I (H)ate House Lannister”. We came home one day to find that Saru had chewed up one of our four Game of Thrones coasters. He was clearly not ashamed, as he attempted to do more damage as we took the photo.
Jake, our Lhasa rescue is the master of revenge. Whenever he gets mad he leaves a poop behind in an inappropriate location. This time, it was the dining room table. Our crime? Taking his sister to college.
I stole Tara and Matt’s hand-decorated cookies from the countertop and ate them all.
My name is Trooper and I’m an Alaskan Klee Kai. I like to run and go for walks AND eat yellow snow. What can I say? It’s been a long winter……
Colbie is a sweet lab/boxer mix that we rescued at 4 months old. She is about to turn one and just started loving money (like her mama)! Instead of spending it, she loves to shred it! This is an example of what happens when my six year old daughter left her allowance out!