We thought we’d be safe from property destruction if we crated PJ. Unfortunately, PJ outsmarted all of us.
Smarter Than The Crate

We thought we’d be safe from property destruction if we crated PJ. Unfortunately, PJ outsmarted all of us.
I am a Chapstick stealing jerk. I ate all the eos lip balms in perpetration for my peoples return, nothing better than perfectly moisturized lips.
Dottie is a true millennial – while her older brother eats hard-bound books, she is technologically advanced – eating first a smart phone and then moving on to an iPad air. She’s incredibly savvy – and she is not sorry.
Pippin is a Border Terrier/Shih Tzu mix adopted from a rescue in Chico, CA. He currently lives in Davis, CA, where he loves to steal cookies and anything else within reach.
I adopted Chewy today as a companion to my White German Shepherd, Martha. The first thing Chewy did when he got into our house was rip apart all of Martha’s toys. Now I know why the shelter named him Chewy…
I ate a whole can of this baby’s formula.
I ate my mom’s Kindle cover… and I ate the Kindle…
Love, Homer and Nero
After giving myself an hour-long pedicure, I was sitting waiting for my nails to dry. Next thing I know, the dog came by and stepped right on the still wet nail polish. Needless to say it was ruined, but I still love him!
In an emergency Nano sometimes can’t make it out the dog door in the middle of the night so sometimes he uses the closet. Dad used to not remember to close the door to the closet at night. Now he does.
I started barking furiously at 3:00AM because I thought the squirrel I saw last week might be outside again. – Lena