One of us ate an entire box of TUMS and an entire tube of Neosporin and barfed all over the yard. Mommy still doesn’t know who did it yet and WE’RE NOT TELLING!
One Of Us Ate An Entire Box Of Tums

One of us ate an entire box of TUMS and an entire tube of Neosporin and barfed all over the yard. Mommy still doesn’t know who did it yet and WE’RE NOT TELLING!
Harper ate a whole can (1 pound!) of Crisco. We then saw her vomit that entire pound of lard in 2 retches. She’s charming.
Bad dog. Bad, bad dog.
He’s done something bad often enough to need a box of shame.
This is Vicky. She lives with Noodle the cat. They both like to eat a lot.
Party Pooper
Dr. Franklin Bigglesworth is a frog eating/puking jerk. But he sure is a cute jerk.
I puke under the bed. Often.
I like to eat mom’s dirty undies…
My Shake Shack Pooch-ini tasted better the first time around 🙁
recycling can be a crime