Well, trying to sleep anyway. (Scout is a 10-month-old French bulldog.)
Well Trying To Sleep Anyway

Well, trying to sleep anyway. (Scout is a 10-month-old French bulldog.)
I like to eat grass in the backyard then come inside and throw up on mommy and daddy’s bed. – Stimpy
I eat stink bugs and throw them up on the nice clean floor.
I barfed on mom’s lap while she was laughing at dog shaming. Haha.
I’m sorry I puked on you. Happy birthday
And we had to pull over on the Florida Turnpike to clean it up
Amazing twitter submission from @angelconradie. Hello South Africa!
Note: the dog was only allowed in the front seat for shaming purposes.
My name is Monster Truck. I drank too much water, then I puked it up into the air vent on the floor!
Editor’s note: My friend’s sister came up for the perfect term for dogs who vomit after drinking too much water: Water Yarfing.