I’m Sam, and I like to bring my squeaky toy into my family’s bedrooms while they are sleeping. Sometimes they find it in their beds in the morning. Other times the squeaking wakes them up and they put it up high where I can’t reach it. As of yet, they’ve never initiated a game of fetch in the wee hours, but I’ll keep trying.
Meet Rupert and Alfie the Jack Russells… 1 year old Rupert and his 4 month old adopted brother Alfie decided to play ‘Tug-Of-War’ with their Mum’s bra whilst she was catching up on some well deserved rest… It took their Mum aaaaages to find the other Cup that was thrown accross the other side of the room… Named & Shamed!! x
“At least this time it wasn’t the couch. -Abby P.s. still not sorry about the couch”
About 3 months ago Abby destroyed half of our couch. Last night it was the pillow. Tonight, it was finally, and thankfully, her toy…
My mum spends a fortune on buying me new toys. In just three minutes I rip out the squeaker and eat half the toy (tomorrow I will do little bits of pink rubber in my poo).