Yadi has a problem with toilet paper…
I’ll show you how to TP…
Yadi has a problem with toilet paper…
I knew i was asking for trouble when the trash can didn’t close all the way when i left for work…. My Callie-monster attacks again.
The sign says “Mom, why aren’t you happy? I left the toilet paper alone. -Callie (You said nothing about the trash.)”
I wake up early to leave my mom a gift.
It’s soft as a bunch of white, fluffy kittens. How could I resist?
Buster- “I steal toilet paper.”
Baxter- “I eat the toilet paper he steals.”
Maymo the lemon beagle likes to delicately chew up sheets of toilet paper and keep them for safe storage underneath the spinning wheel in preparation for the apocalypse.
For more skullduggery, check out Maymo’s Facebook page HERE or YouTube page HERE
She always looks sorry, but I’m pretty sure she never is.
Our cockapoo, Mike, likes to get up in the middle of the night and steal used tissues from the trash can. He shreds them all over the floor, then hops back into bed. Sometimes, he raids all the trash cans he can reach and speads the pieces all over the house. In the morning, he avoids us and the scene of the crime and is “shameful” when we scold him for it. When you call him, he hangs his head and practically crawls on his belly to the mess Why does he do it? Apparently, he likes the smell (or the taste) of boogers and Kleenex…
I am a 12-year old beagle who has never learned good manners.
I stole the toilet paper while my dad was in the shower because I knew there was nothing he could do about it.