This is Hamilton (this time with video). He ruins musicals, commercials, symphonies and probably more, but we can’t tell what.
Hamilton Loves Music

This is Hamilton (this time with video). He ruins musicals, commercials, symphonies and probably more, but we can’t tell what.
Track is a 13 year-old corgi who hates taking pictures. Whenever she see a camera or phone pointed at her she immediately turns the other way and refuses to look. All photos taken of her look like this!
Blue, came to Hoopnotica and ran off with one of our display hula hoops. She even chose a Blue Sparkly hoop…to match her one blue eye!
Every morning!!!
This is Rusty. If there is a car anywhere within walking distance, he will pee on one (or more) tires. Sign says “I like to pee on tires.”
My miniature Dachshund thinks she is a Great Dane behind closed doors. Not the case when I take her for walks.
I decide when we need new furniture.
I ran into the public toilets at the park and paddled in the men’s urinal. I have no sense of decency.
– This is Gus. He regularly wallows in stinky puddles, but this was a new trick. I had to struggle with the pram to get home quickly and wash him. Twice.
Nothing scares me more than little girls and whoopie cushions. -Aspen
I stole my mama’s heart! And pillows. 🙂