My name is Oly and I like to pull out mom’s medical supplies from the closet and spread it across the living room. I am going to be a great doctor some day.
Doctor Oly

My name is Oly and I like to pull out mom’s medical supplies from the closet and spread it across the living room. I am going to be a great doctor some day.
I shoved my kitty brother in the bathtub with my mommy ~ Tucker
My Mom’s favorite movie is Elf… I am now convinced I am part elf like Buddy and kept trying to eat cottonballs!!! They’re yummy!! – Mercy
This is the fourth time I’ve dug a cottonball out of her mouth… last time she had 6 cottonballs in her mouth!!
Remi decided that he didn’t want to wear his cone of shame anymore so he asked for assistance from one of the other dogs while we were out.
Caught in the act of making our new “doggie door”. We tried fixing the door 4 or 5 times but it was no use. Looks like it’s here to stay.
While one of Maverick’s humans cleaned behind and underneath the fridge the other day, Maverick discovered that refrigerator dust is delicious! We could not keep him away!
Stuart love pillows that are soft and warm. Somehow those are the biggest pillows in the house!
Hi my name is Malia! I like to chase my sister (the kitten) across mommy & daddy’s bed, leaving muddy paw prints. This is especially fun because I know I’m not supposed to be up there.
I got a little too excited when ashley came home tonight… I vomited on the carpet 🙁
Ashley is home for the holidays and Toby over-excited himself.
At bedtime I will shamelessly hog the bed (and look so innocent at the same time) -Pepper the Singaporean Special!
*A Singaporean Special is a term of endearment coined for mongrel dogs found in Singapore. A large amount of these dogs are strays and local shelters fight hard to get them off the streets and into good, loving homes, amid the stigma of them being of ‘lower class’ compared to other pure-bred store bought puppies. We want to show everyone that mixed-breed or not, Singaporean Specials have hearts big enough to love their people too! Adopt!