I packed a chicken quesadilla in a Ziploc bag, then put the Ziploc back inside of a plastic grocery sack. Elle was still able to get to the goods!
An Entire Chicken Quesadilla

I packed a chicken quesadilla in a Ziploc bag, then put the Ziploc back inside of a plastic grocery sack. Elle was still able to get to the goods!
I don’t know what Ruby rolled in today on her walk, but two shampoos and some febreeze later, she still stinks, and I’m NOT happy.
My name is Jorge. My first day at my foster home I peed on a running floor fan. I figure it was the easiest way to mark the entire place as my own!
My favorite food is my mommy’s underwear!
– Indie the Dachshund
Notice the paw placement in the picture….my mom should have known better!
My name is Cullen, and I poop on the sidewalk outside our new house (AFTER long walks). I’m not sorry.
This is our 6year-old Golden Retriever and she is crazy for Green Coconuts!
I kill coconuts and leave the crime scene for mom to clean up
Love Lucky / Love from Brasil!
What happens when mom leaves me by myself and the patio door is open, I’m not sorry.
My 10 week old puppy discovered the toilet paper today…
“I ate the rug”
Just three weeks before we are putting our house on the market, and the rug makes the room look SO much better. Not so much now.