Every time I try to take a photo of Chloe, she makes faces at me. I’m a professional photographer but still can’t get a normal shot of the dog!
Chloe’s picture face

Every time I try to take a photo of Chloe, she makes faces at me. I’m a professional photographer but still can’t get a normal shot of the dog!
He was being so good outside….chewing on his deer bones, “prancing” around the yard, staying close to the house…..the next thing I know, I look out the window and he has no head. He dug deep enough to find the mole run …. or he was digging for oil, gold, or China….not sure, but he would have found all of the above if I didn’t put a stop to it. He was definitely ashamed and wouldn’t make eye contact with me afterwards. It was a challenge to get him into the laundry sink…..legs, feet, arms, hands, head flailing in all directions, trying to make himself too big to fit in the sink….of course, all of this with muddy paws on my sink, washing machine, walls, me, my clothes…. But once he realized it was a losing battle, he was good during the bath. He is now clean, in his crate, and sleeping like a baby.
4 month old Kobe loves trying to eat my David Yurman ring and neklace…its been his mission since we got him.
“I fluffed the couch for you while you were gone. – Frenchie”
Ziggy just loves to shread anything and everything he can sink his teeth in to… No matter how expensive.
My mom thinks I intentionally yawn so that I look like Im laughing each time my picture is being taken.
Scamp is 7 pounds of awesome. He has no fear and he will take on any Christmas light he sees!
I eat Acorns, and hide and hoard them in my bed! Then I barf!
I’m Reno, I follow everybody into the bathroom and stare as them so the feel uncomfortable.
My 20lb Mini Schnauzer, Samson, decided the top of my BRAND NEW table was a great location to look out the window. Too bad he decided to tap dance while he was up there and leave 6 inch long gouges all over the table.