I ate all candy from the table. I thought it was for everyone.
Candy Lover

I ate all candy from the table. I thought it was for everyone.
I ate the chicken that mom was defrosting for dinner. It was organic and delicious! I’m NOT sorry.
P.S. I don’t know this but they are not feeding me dinner.
Snow? No idea what you’re talking about! – Angel xx
Emma learns an important lesson.
Rainy day when I had to be in the office. I’m rethinking the dog door.
Oh hai, I thought it could use a sunroof.
This is the second crate I destroyed. Now I spend the days running around the house and looking out the window for squirrels. -Lucy
“The vet said I was fat, so i came home and stole my mom’s dinner (1/2 a pizza) off the counter and ate it. I was stressed. Lexi”
You know your dog is overweight when the vet uses words like “biggest loser challenge”… and then my pup comes home and stole my dinner off the counter. NO SHAME.
“I continue to pull stuffing out of the couch, even though I have a huge stuffed bear that I can rip apart.”
We bought the couch with the hole already in it, and everytime we leave the house he pulls all of the stuffing out of the cushion. However, the stuffed teddy bear that he is allowed to rip to shreds he simply holds and licks it.
Cookie says – you know I don’t like penguins!
I thought Cookie had gotten over her hatred of penguins… apparently not. This is the second year that the penguin decoration hasn’t made it to see Christmas Day in one piece. Cookie doesn’t think it is her fault this time.
Don’t let the big, brown eyes fool you. Beneath them lie the stealth of a ninja and the appetite of a labrador.