Hi everyone, do you remember Crosby? Just a small update that Crosby is well and alive and will be heading to Lab Rescue on December 19th to assess him for adoption. He will then go to a foster family before they can adopt him out. The outpour of love and concern from all of you has been amazing. I don’t think Crosby knows just how many of you out there love him. So thank you, everyone.
Posts Categorized: Submitted
I claim this chair

My name is Kimber. I normally never chew anything in the house. Until last night. I chewed the table my grandparents (my mom’s parents) got for their wedding 30 years ago.
I’m not scared…

I’m Sasha. Mama introduced me to a baby…I didn’t know what it was….so I barked at it and wet myself. I also bark at anything I’m not allowed to pet.
Java After Enema

We turned our head for a second, and Java snorfed a whole lot of the garbage left in the kitchen from Thanksgiving. A week later, we had to take him to the Vets to get rid of the packed colon. He is going to be fine, but he is not a happy puppy right now.
Counter Chicken is the BEST

Bixby was caught in the act of counter-surfing a whole roast chicken. He is officially grounded.
Frozen Fry Thief

Stella takes everything that isn’t hers – including food when you are unloading groceries.
You say potato…

I think “we’ll be back in five” means “help yourself to the garbage”. Om nom.
Sponge Bob’s Demise

I killed Sponge Bob, And I like it.

No, I wasn’t digging again…….just out of curiosity why do you ask?
Obi loves tennis balls

When my owners turn their backs I shred my toys into tiny pieces, and spread them all over the house…