This morning I blamed my kids for a few missing gumdrops on the Gingerbread House. Except… when I got back from the store it had happened AGAIN and was WORSE this time… and the kids were still at school. Yeah. Andy did it.
“How many mats can a Weim-Pup chew if a Weim-Pup could chew mats? Three and counting!”
Tavin-Bleu our 15 month old blue Weimaraner seems to have a fetish with welcome mats, he leaves them alone all day when we are at work and shreds them once we are home if we don’t give him our undivided attention. His sign reads
My name is Tucker and I love to steal my mom and dad’s socks. Sorry I’m not sorry….
Tucker is constantly grabbing our socks! He doesn’t ruin them or anything, just takes them and runs around the apartment with 1, 2, 3 sometimes more socks!
Sadie Belle (Goldendoodle 10 months) ate my daughter’s Elf on the Shelf, Rosie Red. She has not chewed anything in a very long time, but must have had her feelings hurt because we were focusing on what to do next with the elf. We learned our lesson!