Luda pooped and sat on it… It was his first brown spot… He was so ashamed!
What’s black and white (and brown)?

Luda pooped and sat on it… It was his first brown spot… He was so ashamed!
I ate all the rib bones out of the trash & the vet made me puke them up!
I pooped in the office. Can you clean it up?
When our female GSP had a litter of puppies, our 3 cats were afraid of them so the wouldn’t use the pet door to go outside. Instead, they started using my house plant as their litter box! I tried everything to keep them out, even chicken wire, but they still managed to get into it! My sweet, helpful little doggies have now taken to eating what the cats leave in there!
Mr Burns is obsessed with urine. Finding it, smelling it for minutes at a time, and then making sure he pees on it. Wherever it may be. Tree stumps, garbage bags, hydrants, a peing dog…whatever.
” I knock over the bathroom trash and eat Q-tips”. Max will also eat earplugs if he can find them. He has an ear wax fetish…gross!!
“While my mom put the leash on my brother, I lifted my leg and peed on her.
Then we went out in the snow.”
Hugo ran out of room to write that this is not the first time he has done this, or that mom was also wearing a brand new skirt. He probably also would have written that he is a jerk.
I ate mommy’s server apron!
This is the second apron in under a year she has eaten, I think she is developing a taste for them.
“I stole Dad’s brisket” and “I ate $120” – this is the picture on our Christmas Card this year. The caption says, “There’s still time to talk your way off Santa’s naughty list.” P.S. You’ll also note that the brisket sign has teeth marks near the “S” in “Stole”…that’s because Socrates (white dog) ran off with the sign and this is why the signs are on the tree and not around their necks….always uo to something!!
“I couldn’t go outside and play in the snow, so I made my own. – Simon”.
Mommy was sleeping and Daddy was paying his bills, and I wanted to go build snow puppies! That’ll teach them to ignore my need to play!