I drank my Mom’s egg nog.
Max loves egg nog.

I drank my Mom’s egg nog.
I destroy anything with metal buttons: my aunt’s zips, my aunt’s jeans, my aunt’s favorite wool sweater… any metal part of my aunt’s things. And I bite her feet, but not my mom’s. But she just won’t get the hint! Maybe if I’m a little clearer she’ll stop taking pictures and start packing bags.
Petey, our half pitt/ half great dane mix decided to eat a $745.00 check. Then, as if paper has some crazy smell to it, laid an atomic fart. While trying to take the phone he continued to try to eat it. His sign reads “I ate a $745.00 check. (And my farts are atomic)”
I stole a stick from a toddler and chewed it into tiny bits. I made her cry. I’m not sorry. Love, Grady
Our very own Dog Shaming PSA by the lovely, Kaley Cuoco!!
Jeff tried to eat this acorn. His appetite is a little hard on the wallet.
On Sunday I bought two hand made, organic, vegan, natural cherry lip balms. They’re awesome, they smell like childhood, taste like candy, and moisturize better than anything. I came home from work today and smelled Cherry. Lil Dude (the grey dapple) ran to greet me with the remains of my mangled and thoroughly chewed lip balm. Jamjam (the red) looks shamed in this photo, she is not, she’s just trying to get the lipbalm.
As I type this Lil Dude is licking the pink cherry flavoured grease spots on my couch. /sigh
I may look sweet, but I do not smell that way.
Picasso thinks it is very funny to make certain we are out of bed before he climbs back in. He is also living proof that if you keep making that face…it will in fact stay that way.
Little Liza Jane gnawed her Mama’s prescription eyeglasses when Mama wasn’t looking. The sound of her teeth cracking the plastic gave her away. A drop of slobber still remains in the upper right corner of the chewed-up lens!