Sad Soph

I love to eat my sister’s clothes. -Katy
So this happened today.
I ate my new sock monkey, and I’m not sorry.
I brought this toy home two hours before this photo was taken for Jasper. Unfortunately, the monkey wasn’t long for this home.
I decide it would be a good idea now that I have my own house, to get a 2nd dog. So I looked for the right dog and ended up getting a 5 month old Rottweiler-boarder collie cross. He’s amazing but unfortunately likes to destroy everything, including my brand new stairs carpet in my brand new house! But I love him anyway
We try to keep Bella on a strict diet of duck and potatoes due to her severe allergies. However, the extreme itchiness and hair loss must be worth it seeing as she manages to eat everything in sight. We now have to hide all food. Bella has no shame.
I’m not into Health food.
Notepad says, “I have nice dog beds, but I like to sleep in my toy box instead! -Jose”
Our 1 1/2 yr. old chihuahua likes sleeping in his box of toys, and occasionally burrows in them. We often are looking for him around the house, but he’s usually buried under his toys. Doggie bliss!
This is Zeus the 4 month old Doberman puppy. He is the biggest baby ever!
Chester, the I’m old enough to know better, 5 year old Vizsla, had a fun day while mommy was at work. He used his houdini skills to break into the bathroom and steal toilet paper then strewn it all throughout the house. I came home from work to find him passed out and tangled up in toilet paper in my bed!