Maxxis likes to chew on his bone outside during the day, and let mom deal with the inevitable gas that follows.
Can Clear a Room…

Maxxis likes to chew on his bone outside during the day, and let mom deal with the inevitable gas that follows.
My dog Molly’s Dead Toy.
“The news was bad, so I (shr)edited it. Sorry, not sorry. Love, Lika”
Kali the puppy (looking slightly ashamed) – I tore up the carpet!
Luna – I told her where the seam was
Trixie – They are Jerks!
I will never learn. My Pointer has shredded 3 dogs beds and I keep getting her new ones.
While my mom was hard at work washing our sheets, I ate the memory foam.
“While you were gone, I fed and dressed myself!”
We came home to find Duncan wearing his dog food bag. He was very pleased with himself!
Clarence got into the dry food while we were out. In addition to the flour, he was happily munching on a pound of dry spaghetti noodles when I walked in.
This is the sixth arm Hayley has stolen off the kids’ snowman. She is completely unrepentant.
Link escaped and ran across 2 parking lots, around a Dairy Queen drive thru, and finally in and out of a Boston’s restaurant. Barking his fool head off the whole time. I guess he got doggy dared to go streaking!